Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dragon Territory: Apartment Life

We humbly welcome thee to our abode, but beware, we reside in none other than the Dragon Territory. Within the lower caverns two dragons have lair. One, called the Doubly Dimwitted Dragon, bestows ghastly flashes of jagged teeth protruding from not one, but two ferocious heads. Do not be overly wary, for this dragon doth not have the sense between its two heads to be dangerous. The Great Dragon, the largest of all the known creatures, also slumbers restlessly in these lower quarters. Step lively and be certain not to wake her, lest ye wish to be her next meal. Slipping carefully through these caverns, make your way up the mountainside, but be warned to shield your ears from the cry of the Shrieking Dragon. It's banshee call will disorient you and soon have you tumble to your peril if you do not heed this vice. One last beast stands between ye and thine destination. The scent of the Fire-breathing Dragon's smoke alone is enough to make a man gasp for air hopelessly. Tis best to hold thy breath wilst creeping past her cave. Good and brave traveler, thy hast not journeyed in vain! Warm greetings! Welcome to apartment 16G!


Anonymous said...

Hi there Nate,

LOL great to know you are still plugging away and writing like only you do man....

Cheers thanks for always keeping in touch with me, and I hope you are well my friend

Jesse Noe

--V-- said...

Ojala! Have a new smoky neighbor? Wonderful descriptions of the others ;)

Nathan said...

Yes! She smokes profusely ;o(


Irun Man said...

Dost sound like a villianous place that one must travel at one's own peril!

David said...

Too funny Nate...

Oh wait...maybe it wasn't meant to be funny... :-)