Wednesday, November 5, 2008


How do you boost the morale of a group of people facing real problems? How do you make them feel appreciated in an environment where they probably aren't really appreciated all that much? How can you convince someone to support an organization, when there are no real counters for their complaints?
These are some of the thoughts running through my mind right now. One of the parts of my job that I take very seriously is being a strong source of support for my staff. I refuse to weave some motivational speech designed to change their minds. I've never done that to them before, and I don't want to start. Instead, I try to offer new thoughts or perspectives and simply ask them to consider them while I support their current thinking. But now I find myself in situations where there are no new thoughts. There are no different perspectives. Just facts. Unpleasant facts.
All I can do is nod and say "You're right, and I'm sorry," and I don't like that. I could tell them God appreciates them, that He has a purpose for everything happening right now, and that they can still glorify Him under any conditions. But then again, I can't tell them that. I'm not allowed. Perhaps I should just use the stress kit seen above and encourage them to do so as well.

1 comment:

--V-- said...

I've consulted the rule book. In this situation, it would be appropriate to share ehhummm...cupcake therapy...just a thought :)