Friday, November 28, 2008

Look Who's Talking , and Singing, and Dancing, and . . .

Today my dad called me to let me know my cousin, Collins, passed away. I think he was fifteen years old. Collins was born with cerebral palsy. He was believed to have had a stroke when he was around two or three, worsening his condition. His communicative abilities where extremely limited and he was considered a spastic quadriplegic, having very little control over his body movement. He was unable to manipulate his muscles to the point he couldn't eat and was tube fed since he was about two years old. When Collins was about three, I started taking care of him off and on through the summers. When I turned eighteen I became employed through JRDS and became his caregiver. I worked with him in that capacity for about four years, then felt it was time for me to move on. After no longer being his caregiver, it was difficult to maintain contact with him due to the awkwardness that developed between myself and his parents because of my departure. Years have passed with only a couple of scattered visits here and there. My mom has kept me updated on his status, and I learned he was having some new health complications. His lungs were not functioning properly and his bones were fragile and breaking. After a long stint in the hospital, he returned home the other day and I strongly felt I should visit him and give his parents support, but I found every excuse not to; Thanksgiving was coming up, I've been sick, I'm lazy. And now he's gone. I am so happy that this young soul, once unable to speak, is now singing praises to God. He is no longer bound to the confines of his bed, but is dancing for His glory. There is joy in my heart for him. There is some sadness, some unanswered questions, and some regret. But mostly joy.


Unknown said...

I'm sorry for you loss, but you are right, he is dancing for His Glory.

I can see the relationship you had was a blessing to you. It was for Collins too.

Kris Sorensen said...

I prayed for your family this evening.

Nathan said...

Thanks, Milah and Kris.

Sue said...

I am sorry to hear about your loss. My prayers will be with you and your family. But yes, Collins is finally totally happy, well and at peace!