Friday, May 30, 2008


    1. Being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verifiable existence.
    2. True and actual; not imaginary, alleged, or ideal.
    3. Of or founded on practical matters and concerns.
  1. Genuine and authentic; not artificial or spurious.
  2. Being no less than what is stated; worthy of the name.
  3. Free of pretense, falsehood, or affectation.
  4. Not to be taken lightly; serious.
What is real? Well, according to definition, real is a lot of things. But why are some things easier to deem real, compared to others? For example, I have some great memories. There are no pictures documenting these events, and because they are great memories from my perception, I might not have anyone else who can testify to them. But I never doubt these memories are real. I share love with people. I don't see that love. Not literally, anyway. And sometimes I have to remind myself about that love. But I never doubt it's real. I'm sure I could come up with a hundred unprovable things that I feel completely certain are real. We just know some things are real. So why is it so different when it comes to 'God stuff'? I can say things like, "Well, I just know because my gut is telling me!" and people are okay with it. But when I say, "Well, I just know because God has really laid this in my heart!" I get that "Uh huh. And you're crazy!" look! The only real thing my gut has ever told me is that I've ate too much or that I need to use the bathroom! But what God tells me, now that's REAL. And what's frustrating is, most of the "Whatever, weirdo!" looks tend to come from people who know God is real. Well, if God is real, why would you doubt He could speak to our hearts? But I am as equally guilty of this. "Oh, God. You want me to go to the alter? For real?" "Hmm, is this feeling of Him moving in my life real? Or my imagination?" "Yeah, that time His presence was so clear to me, when He came to me, was that real?" "God, I think you want me to do this. But is this real?" Why? There are several things I could imagine Kimberly would love for me to do. She's not asking. I just know. I don't doubt that that's real. I think I'm aware of how real God is. Perhaps I'm just not sure how real I am yet. But it shouldn't matter. If God is real, and His power is real, if He has been present in my life, laid something in my heart, or called me to do something, and it's all real, I must be real too. In Him. Not because I'm worthy. Because I'm chosen. And that's real.

1 comment:

bryan vickery said...

Great post.

The Bible says that discernment is a spiritual gift (1 Corinthians 12:10), and Christ apportions these gifts (Ephesians 4:7-13). This means we get some of them, but not necessarily all of them. Some have the gift of discernment, and some don't. Those who don't will ask, "Really? You really think God told you that?" even when you know for sure.

So I guess all I'm saying is it's a reaction we should expect occassionally (maybe even frequently).