Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Victoria's Day!

Today Kimberly and I saw this little girl while we were out and about. She was beautiful, but she had no hair and it was obvious she was very sick.

Like a flower with no petals.

She was proudly toting a Strawberry Shortcake balloon that bobbed around every time she moved. We heard bits of the family's conversation and a waitress wished her happy Victoria's day.

Finally we were able to piece together what was going on.

This little girl, maybe 8 years old, had been reading about Victoria's Day, a holiday in Canada, and her name was Victoria too. Since she was learning about this holiday in school, and because it's also her name, she asked her parent's if she could celebrate, and they agreed. How awesome!

She was so happy to celebrate Victoria's Day. So happy to have a balloon. Just so happy.

Even though.

And that really got me thinking.

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