Saturday, May 17, 2008


con·sid·er·a·tion 1. careful thought or deliberation (formal) 2. thoughtful concern for or sensitivity toward the feelings of others 3. a payment or fee in return for a service (formal) 4. high regard or esteem (formal)
I'm a nice guy. Really! So if you want something, just ask. But ask. Every time. I don't accept any kindness from others as a longterm commitment. This is just rude and presumptious. If you tell me I can use your phone to make a quick call, great! Thanks! But if I need to make a second call, I'm gonna ask all over again! Know why? Because that's courtesy. This is how I was raised to be. This is what I offer others and what I expect in return. Please. No matter who you are. You should still be respectful. If you're the pope and you stop by my office and need my stapler, great! Use it! But you better ask first! And ask again each time you need it. Please. And put it back when your done. Right where it was before you used it. Please. Otherwise, I just feel crazy! I'm disorganized. But my mess makes sense to me! Thank you for your consideration.

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