Friday, May 16, 2008

Perfectly Wrong

Check out this poor dog! Have you ever had a day like this? So perfectly wrong? I mean, just see how he's hanging there. Obvious something went wrong. But he had to have jumped just so. And the trees had to have been spaced out just so. Everything had to be just so for things to go so wrong. So perfectly wrong. I've had days like this. Days where things went so wrong, but in a manner that it all just lined up and created some perfectly wrong situation. And it's almost comical. Sitcom material. All I can do is laugh! Today was like that. A series of events occurred at work which completely affected my day's schedule. And believe it or not, unlike my desk or car, my schedule is organized down to the very last minute. So needless to say, a lot of things had to be shifted around and I ended up staying an hour later than expected. Kimberly and I were supposed to be meeting a couple of awesome kids from the youth group at the mall around 6:15pm. I wanted to call and apologize for running behind, as I was only leaving work around this time, but I realized my phone was dead. "No biggy!" I thought. So I went to our apartment to plug my phone in and call Kimmy and the youth group members and realized I had no door key! Oops! So I headed down to the mall to try and find them. I walked and looked and looked and walked. No Kimmy! No youth! And I thought, "Great!" I had no change for a pay phone, and no store would let me use their phone for a 15 second local call. So began to wonder if I was just going to have to wait outside our apartment until Kimmy got home. But then a light bulb went off in my head! I went back to work and used my office phone. Found out where everyone was. And had a great time! We played Putt-Putt and ate ice-cream! So, it all worked out and we all had a good laugh at how perfectly wrong my phone dying, me running late, and me losing my door key, all at the same time was. Ha!Ha! Funny! Thank GOD I work in town!!!

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