Sunday, September 28, 2008

Monday Approaches

11:40pm. Soon, it will be Monday. Monday. I am going to a meeting tomorrow called a staffing. Staffings are when several important people sit around and discuss individual children's progress and what we can do to improve their treatment. We will be discussing seven out of my eleven kids tomorrow. These meetings usually bum me out. The doctors of psychology, diagnostic testers, and other important people always come to the same conclusion: THESE KIDS ARE HOPELESS. I know this. It's not new news to me. But there is something disturbing about hearing it out of other people's mouths. The other people tell me their entire day is ruined after an hour of spending time talking about my cases. I just want to tell them they should try doing NOTHING but work with these cases EVERYDAY and for a third of their current pay. THEN they could complain. But alas, professionalism and whatnot. But what gets me the most about all of this, the meetings, the complaints, this population I serve, is the fact I KNOW they are hopeless. These children are so scarred and wounded and NO treatment will take that away. The sickness I see and hear is getting to me, but I could deal with all that if I felt like I was making a difference. But I'm not. These children just need to know Christ. Period. That's what they need and I cannot provide it for them in this environment. They are hopeless on their own, just as we all are. Anyhow, just some late night venting before I go to sleep . . . Sorry I'm such a downer!


Unknown said...

I feel your frustration. You might not be allowed to tell them about Jesus but you can pray for them. Think about may be the only person on this earth who is praying for them.

--V-- said...

I'm sure you are making a difference Nate-Nate! Sometimes it's hard to see though.