Saturday, September 25, 2010

Copycat Writing Prompts! (Day 01: Favorite Song)

Some days I have enough to write about for three whole posts, while other days I struggle to think of anything to write about at all. Inspiration will elude me, but the desire to write remains strong. Well, today I saw 30 days worth of prompts on my friend's blog, so I thought I'd copycat her! At least this way, I won't be wasting time searching for prompts all over the web because I've already pasted them over in the sidebar of this blog. So, YAY for efficiency and inspiration! And for smart blogging buddies ;o)

Day 01: Favorite Song

Well, oddly enough, I really don't have a favorite song. I know, I know, my blog is titled Nathan Has a Song. But I do more writing than listening. I'm tempted to list one of my own songs as a favorite. Not because I'm conceded, but simply because of the sentimental value it has to me, involving the inspiration behind writing it, and the process of 'bringing it to life.' But that might kinda be cheating . . .

So I guess I'm gonna have to cop out on this one, and leave it at, "Don't have one."


Coby said...

Oh Nathan, that's not fair. bahaha ;)

--V-- said...

I love this idea! I may have to do it as well!!