Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ew! Hahahah . . . Ew!

I feel as though I should apologize to anyone who might glance at this blog post for subjecting them to this picture, but I couldn't help myself.

I mean . . . look at it! It makes me cringe. And then laugh. And then cringe some more.

I just updated my blog's look (duh) and during the process I had a very clear design in mind. So, as always, I began by searching for images that already exist that I might use or be inspired by.

I knew I wanted to create an image of a cut-out heart inside a real photographed chest cavity. I wondered how many images similar to this existed out there. So, I Googled it. And this is one of the images the search engine found.

Creative. And disturbing. Creatively disturbing? Hm . . .

Oh, but if you are interested in what images I did find and use in my design, here they are:

1 comment:

Coby said...

That's just wrong. hahaha