Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Like Nathan

Today I hung out at the local Barnes and Noble bookstore with my good friend, Nathan. As you can see from this picture, he's a fun guy.

The problem is, there is a language barrier between us. Nathan uses sign language, which I understand so very little of. We do play charades of sorts, but as one could imagine, this form of communication has its limitations.

However, this minor obstacle doesn't make me enjoy his company any less, and it certainly doesn't prevent Nathan from teaching me valuable lessons in life.

You see, Nathan naturally possesses a certain quality that I don't. He has an immeasurable excitability about him, a passion for the day-to-day things of life.

Overtime, I become so conditioned to things, blasé even to what I love dearly. Two months ago, each time I stepped outdoors I'd savor the floral perfume air of SoCal, but today I don't even notice it. I used to marvel at the breathtaking views that seemed all too beautiful to be real, but now I breeze past them unmoved.

But not Nathan. When he turns his attention towards something, its with intensity.

For example, Nathan loves to look through picture books. He doesn't just flip through them; he dives in head first. He submerges himself completely, and doesn't dare flip the page until he has saturated himself with every single tiny pixel. Page by page. Book by book.

And so today I was reminded, yet again, to refocus my mind to a place of awareness and appreciation for the things I love; to breathe a little more deeply, taking note of the air. To soak-in those beautiful mountains, and acknowledge the Artist who painted them so magnificently.

To dive in head first.
Like Nathan.

1 comment:

Tonya said...

This is so true! Just being around Nathan makes me look at things differently. Thanks for the post.