Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Wreak and Recover

Today I spent some time contacting several different people to request recommendation letters for graduate school. One of those people, one I who respect professionally and look up to as a doctor of psychology, emailed me in warning of the particular school I'm applying to. Her concerns were disheartening, and the fact that they came from this specific individual made it even worse.

To be honest, it wreaked me.
Completely. Its lame, I know.
But I discourage easily at times.

But after a nice hot shower, some prayer, and chat with my wife, I'm feeling better. God's been with me through this process so far, and He's not going anywhere. Sure, I have a few new questions for my admissions counselor, but I'm not gonna freak out.

God's not going anywhere.

I just need to be proactive. Not reactive.
And work through it.

Wreak and recover.

1 comment:

--V-- said...

Grad school! Wowza! That's an excellent idea! Clearly we neeeedsss to catch up!