Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Misadventure 010212

Today's little misadventure was... well, unexpected. Nate and I both picked up an extra shift today and decided to go hiking afterward.

We went to the Oak Riparian and Lake Calavera of Carlsbad, and had a good time hiking.

Right before making it back to the car, I realized I didn't have my car keys.

I suddenly remembered that when we had first made it all the way through the park and to the base of the mountain, I hiked up my britches before beginning the climb upwards (as any respectable fellow with ill-fitting pants would). I also remembered how one of my belt loops broke as I pulled up my pants.

And then I remembered that I usually clip my keys to that particular belt loop.
Yep. Leave it to me.

So there we were, thinking we'd finished up a long hike... to realize it just begun!

We hauled butt all the way through the park again until we reached the base of the mountain once more. And of course, by this time, it was dark.

Thank God for smart phones with flashlight apps!

And Thank God for the kind anonymous hiker who found my keys before me and splayed them out ever-so-obviously on a rock out in the open, making them super easy to find in the dark!

And thank God for my brave friend who would traipse through the shadow shrouded forest with me at night, which may or may not have been seething with hungry mountain lions and tweeked out gangsters...

And then we managed to get a little lost on the way home.
But that's another little misadventure in itself...

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