Saturday, January 28, 2012

MOG 012912

Thursday was a great day at work. I was chipper and peppy. Things were chaotic, but in a good way; just enough to keep me busy and interested, but not so much that it was overwhelming.

Friday was similar as far as the work conditions, but I was a tad bit irritable. The water just wasn't rolling off my back quite like it did Thursday.

And then today... oh, today. Today I was the Uber Grouch.

I was one giant exposed nerve.
A giant exposed nerve being poked at by some very hyperactive group home children.

Here's hoping tomorrow will be a whole new day!

1 comment:

--V-- said...

I can usually tell I've got a case of the mania coming on when A) I stay awake and worry later and more so than usual and B) I'm irritable. A) comes first, and if B) appears at all, I start adjusting meds to avoid a full blown manic phase. Warning signs keep me sane...Well relatively speaking, of course ;)