Wednesday, January 11, 2012

MOG 011012

I feel good. Mostly.

Today I met with the admissions counselor of Argosy college and have decided to officially apply to their masters program of counseling psych and begin a long journey to becoming a licensed therapist. I feel very encouraged and supported, and am looking forward to the possibilities and new challenges. I'm as equally nervous and overwhelmed as I am excited, but the mere fact that these two extremes exist within balance of one another is healthy.... I think.

I've been feeling a little more motivated lately. I didn't get as much done as I wanted today, but I did manage to visit La Jolla after my meeting with Argosy, get my haircut and visit with my wife at work, give the bathroom a good scrub down, and run an errand at the mall.

Small steps, but a leap or two from spending a majority  of my time lounging. And with my current ambitions of schooling, it seems my motivation isn't just focused on the now, but on tomorrow as well, which has always been something I struggle with.

So, yay for motivation.

Thank you, God, for your constant grace, for the great people you've put in my life, and for good pharmaceuticals!

- motivated
- encouraged
- slightly paranoid about relationships
- a little overwhelmed
- sleeping wonderfully still
- feeling inadequate yet capable to grow
- desiring to pursue God strongly
- creative

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