Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why I Sing: Kitchen Sink Praise Sessions & the Conservations They Come To

"I'm very human. Like, really, really. Trust me."
"But you're always singing. Like you're joyful and full of life! You sound like it. Its in your voice or something!"
"Well, that's probably because I am joyful and full of life! We had this conversation just last week, remember? You've told me this same thing before."
"Yeah, but why? How are you always happy?"
"Well, I'm not. Sometimes I'm very unhappy. But the joy I feel and the life that fills me up is there no matter what."
"But how!?"
"The life that fills me up is the Holy Spirit. When I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior and gave my life to Him, His spirit came into me and is always with me now. Understand?"
"Mmhm. So . . . are you a Christian?"

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