Friday, August 20, 2010

ramblings about words and attitude and murder

We are vicious creatures. We commit murder without even batting an eyelash.
Our weapon of choice?


Sometimes the words don't even have to been spoken. Nasty, cruel thinking leads to a nasty, cruel attitude; toxic and poisoning to those surrounding.

And we feel justified somehow, in our way of speaking, our cruel thoughts, our evil attitudes.
All the while leaving a bloody trail of destruction behind us.

I am guilty. So are you.
(Think you're not? Reread the part about feeling justified. This is you times two.)

So when does it stop? Ever?

This isn't just a method of murder. Its suicide.

I can convince myself that my words and the mediation of my heart are justified and righteous, but ultimately, what I'm convinced of means so little.

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