Sunday, July 6, 2008

I'm Not God

Recently, a person I know has made some bad choices. Choices that we're all capable of making. So I starting thinking, what leads a Christ-follower to make those types of choices? I don't really have any answers, but I definitely see the importance of a humbled heart. I tend to make the best choices when I keep in mind that only He has the answers. Only He has the key to joy. If it's my idea, it's BAD. It HAS to be from God to be right!!! But we live in this place where we can become strong, smart, beautiful, rich, successful by worldly standards. In short, we become like gods. Not THE god. False gods. Lifeless, worthless idols that mean nothing. In talking with the person making these choices, in talking with others who have been involved, and through prayer, a song has began to form itself within my heart. It's called Break Me. It's almost a prayer. A prayer for God to humble me. To break me down so that I will never forget that I am not god. I cannot bring myself joy. Only a shallow, pointless happiness, that will quickly fade. Break me. It's not finished yet, but as soon as it is, I am going to post it. It's been building up inside of me since last Wednesday. And it's almost done. So close it's making me crazy. But I need to remind myself, I'm not god. It will all come together when God, the REAL GOD, wants it to ;o)