Monday, June 21, 2010

Making Memories and Giving Goodbyes

I landed in the Indy airport about 7:30pm last Wednesday after a month out in Cali. In just less than a week, I've made some wonderful memories with friends and family, given all the necessary goodbyes, helped Kimberly finish a little packing, and loaded all of our things into the moving truck.

Its been a whirlwind of happiness, sadness, excitement, anxiousness, thankfulness . . . pretty much a little bit of most emotions imaginable.

But most of all, I feel joyful.
I am so blessed, and have been reminded of that nearly every other minute this past week.

In about four hours we'll be hitting the road hard, making our way out to Escondido permanently and hopefully reaching Kansas before calling it a day.

Prayers for travel safety are appreciated!

Thank you to those of you who made this week so special!
I love all you guys and can't wait to see you again in California!!!

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