Names: Ellen, Isaiah, and Nate Canady
Aliases: CATE, Ug, and The Hawker
Family bio: Ellen lived the life of a normal girl, hiding her regenerative powers from her family and friends, but her ability to heal herself did not go undetected. Ellen, 23, was captured by evil scientists called The Bitter Nerds, who renamed her CATE (Cerebral Augmentative Technologies Experiment), placing a small electronic device in the base of her brain. Her regenerative powers made her a prime subject for the experiment. The operation was successful and allowed the Bitter Nerds to control CATE's thoughts, augment her senses beyond that of any living creature, and enhance her speed, strength, and agility. CATE was trained in many forms of hand-to-hand combat and became a flawless marksmen and tracker with her newly heightened senses. The Bitter Nerds used CATE as an assassin, wiping out the world's superheroes one by one, with a single goal in mind: world domination. CATE's life changed forever when she set out on an assignment to annihilate Nate Canady, known to most of the world as The Hawker, a humanoid mutant with the power to morph into a hawk, as well as expectorating a poisonous green, phlegm-like substance that paralyzes his foes upon contact. Born in the Appalachain Mountains and raised in a log cabin, Nate has a deep appreciation for the wilderness, using his powers to fight for nature preservation. When CATE sighted The Hawker and set her laser beam's aim, he sensed danger and began transforming into a hawk to flee. CATE shot him admist his transformation and he let out a shriek of agony. The hawk-like, piercing call sent sound vibrations through the device that the Bitter Nerds had placed in CATE's brain, damaging it. CATE instantly became aware of her actions and quickly went to The Hawker's aid, nursing him to health over several months. Injured by the laser beam's shot, The Hawker lost his ability to transform completely into a hawk, but was left in permanent form of neither hawk nor man, but both. The Hawker found that in this new state he was stronger than ever before, could fly even higher and further, and could produce his poisonous, green phlegm-like substance in greater quantities. Over the months that CATE had nursed The Hawker back to health, the two superhumans fell in love. CATE, no longer controlled by the Bitter Nerds yet still benefiting from the abilities they had given her, brought the evil scientists' rein to an end. The Hawker and CATE married and began a crime fighting duo known as the Cantastics. CATE fights evil restlessly to redeem herself from all the superheroes she destroyed while controlled by the Bitter Nerds, while her husband, The Hawker, fights with a passion to preserve Earth's natural resources and for his love of spitting on people while flying high above them. Two years after saying their vows, the superhero duo became a trio when CATE gave birth to Isaiah, better known as Ug. Ug grew and developed at a rapid rate, and at the age of two had reached a level of strength only surpassed by that of the Hulk. Despite his youth, Ug is an important part of the Cantastics' fight against evil, easily crushing enemies with his club. It is unclear what powers he will possess when full grown.
Sweet Action!
I also have a love for spitting on people from above. Though I cannot fly I find 1st, 2nd and even 3rd story balconies work very nice. Wait, your church has a balcony doesn't it? Hmmmmm?
I LOVE your superhero creations :D
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