Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Tomorrow is my first official on-campus class; the beginning of it all. I can't find the right book anywhere, and I'm a little confused about the online portions of the class. I'm nervous and a little overwhelmed at the commitment of a grad program. But I'm also very excited and feeling optimistic about it all!

Wednesday, I'm meeting with a woman Kimberly works with at Studio 158 to take maternity pictures. The mother-to-be is literally just days before her due date. I've been working on creative ideas, trying to avoid the uber-cheese-factor of most pregnancy pictures I've seen. I have some things in mind, and I'm excited to see how it all turns out! Its a free service I'm providing, since its the first time I've done something quite like this, so there's not too much pressure. Just fun. Mostly. I mean, what's there to lose?

Two new things this week!
I'm excited!

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