Thursday, May 26, 2011

a thought to end my day with

I've already spewed enough (too much) negativity about my day today via FaceBook, Twitter, and in face to face conversations. So, lets just fast forward to an ah-ha! moment I had on the way to my car tonight after clocking-out for the day.

I am a missionary.

I know I'm here to serve God . . . here, as in life, as in Cali, as in where I work, etc. . . to share His love. That's the mission I've been given.

And something about just using that specific vernacular; missionary, servant, etc., it just clicks in my brain. It makes things look different . . . feel different.

So when I reflect on my day through the mindset of a missionary, I see something altogether different; a struggle, yes.

But a beautiful one. A glorious one.

So, yeah. Nothing profound. Just a thought to end my day with.

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