Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Confront, Confess, Conclude

After our little pirating incident, its been a total mess getting our internet service back on track and secure again.

Today the Cox cable guy stopped by to make some repairs to our network (which has been renamed and re-secured with a new password). After the repairman left, I jumped in the shower, and that's right about when our neighbor (the pirate) knocked on our door and asked my mom if we were having issues with our network, because he couldn't seem to get access.

My mom brushed him off, basically telling him she's a guest here and knows nothing about the internet situation. When I got out of the shower she told me about her interaction, and so the deliberation began.

What should I do? Should I just wait and see if he comes down to ask about it again? Should I confront him with the truth or make up an excuse?

I chose to confront him. I went upstairs and knocked on his door with no answer. Several minutes later I heard him up there stomping around and decided to go back up and knock again.

This time he answered.
It was an awkward interaction, but not unpleasant.

I confronted.
He confessed.

And that's the conclusion.

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