Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dear Readers I May Know in Person,

If you happen to be one of the few people who read my blog . . . it doesn't have to be weird.

I mean, what I'm trying to say is, it doesn't have to be awkward when you're actually around me in person. Its not like you've sneakily read my journal while I'm out getting groceries or something. I make a choice that whatever I post on here becomes public knowledge.

And if I mention something that you already know about because you've read it on my blog, it really is okay to say, "Yeah, I read about that." Its just weird to sit and talk on and on and on while having the impression you've heard this story before, and then I finally ask if you read about it and then you say, "Yeah, but I didn't want you to think I'm a stalker."

Yeah. Weird.
But it doesn't have to be!
It's just like being friends with someone on FB... kinda.

So, there. I said my piece. I've just made some observations and wanted to address them.
The end.

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