Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Adjusts Need to be Made

Tonight I went to the Techno-Gym for a workout. I think visiting the wellness center has really helped me and I'm feeling the best I've felt in a really long time, so I thought I should take advantage of not being in pain and . . . cause myself pain (???) Anyway, I have this key that I insert into each machine, and it automatically adjusts to my settings. It's really cool, but the problem is, my settings haven't changed since 2007 . . . when I last used the Techno-Gym. So, needless to say, I'm way out of the routine of my workout and the settings are a bit challenging for me in my current, um . . . condition, or lack there of . . . The treadmill kept warning me that my heart rate was getting too high, but when I slowed down it warned me that I wasn't going to meet my distance goals. I thought my heart was going to explode! So, yeah. Adjustments need to be made to my workout. But YAY for day one . . . I think. ;o)


--V-- said...

yayay indeed!!

Also: heart explosion = not good

And: word verification = "bootin" which seems like it should be a word.

Nathan said...


Bootin: I like it. It seems very appropriate for this post, like, "Man, I was really bootin' on the treadmill!" Or not so much ... no, I'm definitely a fan!