Monday, September 3, 2012

Writing Prompt: First Day

Write about a memorable first day of school you've experienced.

Oh, the tears. Torrents and torrents of tears...

Maybe it was separation anxiety; I was a momma's boy, after all. 
Or maybe it was social anxiety; I have always been an introvert...

Whatever it was, it was bad
Ick! I literally just shuddered as I recall... 

I don't remember exactly what I was thinking or what specific fears I had, but I do remember that awful feeling. That terrible, gut-wrenching, bad, bad feeling. 

I bawled my eyes out the first few days of school every year up until around the third or fourth grade. Yep, I was that kid. The crier.

I'd like to think that one day, when I'm a world renowned therapist, I will psychoanalyze myself and get it all figured out. 

But, until then (shudder), I just won't think about it all that much :-)

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