Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 4: 10 Things You want to Say to One Person

1. Yeah, so . . . you're loud. Very loud
2. Did I mention you're loud?
3. Srsly. What is it you're doing to make all that noise!?
4. I've decided you're a hip-hop dancer. That's the only thing I can think of to explain all that stomping.
5. What exactly do you do for a living? I mean, do you, like, have a weird schedule or something? I can't find a pattern in your crazy stomp-around, thump, thump loudness. AM. PM. Mid-day. Midnight. You're simply sporadic. Lets get you into a routine! Consistency is an important part of life.
6. Do you only make friends with other loud people? 'Cuz furrealz, when you have people over, its sounds like an elephant stampede.
7. Do you grill garbage? Just wondering, because whatever it is you're throwing on the barbecue has quite the offensive odor.
8. Lets talk about Jesus.
9. You're loud!!!
10. Has anyone ever told you that you walk like Herman Munster? I'm just trying to imagine what it would be like to live under him in an apartment. I bet it would be a lot like living under you. BTW, do you wear clogs? It sounds like you do. And, is your apartment carpeted? It just seems like it would be really difficult to just casually make so much noise on a carpeted floor . . .


Lindsie said...

Nathan, I have to tell you that this is probably the first time in probably a year or so I've actually read your blog. I practically cried due to the hilarity in this post!
Wow! Herman Munster. That is all.
Also, if it is any consolation, I am pretty sure I lived right under this same guy here in Indiana once-upon-a-time.

Coby said...


I'm sorry, Nathan.