Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 2: 10 Things You Love

1. Uh, God! Its amazing, really. I mean, I'm this jacked-up but He still loves me that much anyway!
2. California, my new home! I love it! And I fit here like I've never fit anywhere before. It just feels . . . right to be here.
3. My job. I know, I know. I complain about it a lot sometimes. But I truly do love it! Its a huge part of who I am and how God wired me to be.
4. Art! Art in any form. Music, painting, drawing, graphic design, etc.! Art is the balance between excellence and authenticity. I want it to be fine-tuned enough to win a person's attention, but not so streamlined that it loses grit and relevance. Its a balancing act that I love trying to muddle through!
5. I love hiking. I go through spells, based on fluctuating laziness, as far as how often I actually go hiking. But, yeah. I love it. The scenery, nature, physical exhilaration, the peacefulness. Its good stuff.
6. Food. Mmm . . . food. What can I say? I'm not a robust man for no reason!
7. Writing. Sure, that could have probably been wrapped up into #4 somehow, but I guess I love it enough to make it its own number. Its soothing, cathartic, beautiful as you'd like it to be, ugly as life can get, whatever you want it to be. Sigh. I love writing.
8. A certain shared moment that is rare and difficult to explain. You know, those moments of conversation that just seem . . . pure. No barriers. No bull-crap. Just two people, meshing of the minds. No bravado, "Look what I can do! See how good I am!" kinda stuff. No dominant hilarity or gr! argh! grump-fest. Just connectivity. Its a shame how we isolate ourselves without even realizing it, but that's a post all of its own!
9. Pictures! Yes, this could probably wrapped up into #4 as well. But I love pictures. Taking them. Looking at them. Remembering. See, I wanna remember you. I wanna remember that moment, and who you were in that moment. I wanna remember me. And life. And I love the glimpses into other people's lives that their pictures allow me.
10. Hoodies. Seriously. Like coziness in the form of, well, a hoodie. I even sleep in hoodies from time to time. Hood up and everything!

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