Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dry Bones Becoming As Flesh

Last Sunday, the worship team at FFC led the song ‘Days of Elijah.’ Somehow, the lyrics, “dry bones becoming as flesh,” have been echoing in my mind since. I was then reminded on Tuesday just how God has transformed ‘dry bones’ to ‘flesh’ right before my eyes; how God can breathe life and replenishment into a spiritually dead person. It would seem as though this happens often, but we neglect to recognize the miracle. Perhaps its at the frailty of our earthly minds that we fail to see anything other than instantaneous change. Transformation, in our own mortal eyes, can be distorted and hidden within the confinement and parameters of time, but to our mighty and eternal God, time is insignificant.

Yesterday at growth group, we coincidently discussed this same story, and a second important concept from it was brought to my attention. Although God could have simply commanded the bones to become as flesh, then flesh to be filled with life, He did not. He commanded Ezekiel to prophesy it. In man’s obedience to God, something miraculous happened. God did not require Ezekiel in order to bring death to life, but He chose to use him.

And so the Spirit speaks to me, bringing these thoughts together, and formulating questions I must continuously ask myself:

-Who is God commanding me to prophesy to; what dry bones will He call to be as flesh right before me?

-Will I hear His voice?

-Will I obey?

-Will I see beyond my own eyes and through those of the Spirit to recognize the miracles of God’s hand?

-And even if I’m unable to see fruition, will I continue to respond in obedience?

Ezekiel 37

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