Sunday, September 4, 2011

Dear Apple Store Guy,

You don't know me, but today you did a huge favor for me.

I've kinda had a bad week. My life is good and I shouldn't complain, but I still do. My wife is incredible. My friends are awesome. My family is great. All my needs are met daily.

I've just had a crummy week; the kind of week where you can't sleep at night and you make dumb mistakes and you just feel crappy about almost everything.

Well, today was no exception. At about 10:11am, just about 34 minutes before service began, I realized that really important white plug-in thingy that connects my Mac to the projector was missing.

What service? Oh, yeah, I forgot you don't know me. Well, I'm a part of this awesome church plant thing and I run music and service slides and announcements all from my Mac. The Mac I lost the cord for.

I almost cried.
I know, I'm lame.
But I really almost did.

I hate letting people down. Especially when I'm already feeling like pooh. So when you kindly sold me that white plug-in thingy a half hour before you were technically even opened.... sigh. It was a relief. A huge relief. Like a, "Oh, yeah! God is in control!" kind of relief. And so began a day of continuous reminders that everything will be okay. That everything IS okay.

So yeah. Thanks!
-Happy customer
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