Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Today I met with the dietitian and learned a little bit more about the results of some tests that were ran about a month ago. I am not gluten intolerant as of yet, but I am allergic to wheat, corn, lactose and nuts. The dietitian said it was an interesting combination of allergies because many alternatives to wheat products use corn. Along with these food allergies, I was given more direction as far as what foods to avoid to better address my acid reflux and ulcers. The list of foods I cannot eat continued to grow rapidly throughout this appointment. Its amazing how wheat is infused into nearly everything, including some processed meats! But oddly enough, I haven't had much discomfort or issues with symptoms in a few weeks, so we're undecided as far as how aggressively we're going to address the allergies.


Kris Sorensen said...

Oddly enough you can eat all the tainted peanut butter that you want.

David said...

The continuing saga of Lob Bob is taking some unexpected twists...I look fwd to volume IV.

Unknown said...

We had to avoid those same foods (and a few others) for my son. For us, corn was the toughest because it's in so many things. You'll even need to be careful of non-food items like some toothpastes and the adhesive on postage stamps and envelopes.

Good luck to you!

Food Allergy Assistant