Monday, December 6, 2010

People Such as These

Last night we were blessed with an unexpected Christmas tree delivery. The Jones, Bremerthons, and Pinkertons have been such a blessing to us as we continue to make way through the transition from the mid-west to SoCal.

Some days, its hard to be away from my family and the place I've always known as home, but these wonderful people have warmly invited us into their own, soothing my sometimes home-sick heart.
There is also a great financial strain on us as we accommodate to our new living expenses, which can threaten to put a damper on the holiday cheer.

So when we received our potted Norfolk Island Pine, red beaded garland, and a string of bright white lights, I was speechless.

Jesus Christ first came in the form of a baby in a manger. He lived a humble, sinless life and was crucified as the ultimate sacrifice to rescue, from their own sin, all who believe. He will return again to gather His flock, and in the meantime, He reveals Himself to us through His Word, creation, the Spirit, and through those His Spirit dwells in.

People such as these.

And sitting before me in my living room is a beautiful reminder of all the above.

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