Sunday, October 9, 2011

taking notes

God does extraordinary things through ordinary people. I'm blessed to be surrounded by believers that surrender their lives for Christ daily, so I get to see a lot of extraordinary things done through and in them, and in turn I can feel the Spirit stirring inside myself.

Sometimes I want to share with people what God has does for me and others through them, so I make a mental note. "Hm, the way he just explained that made something in my brain click!" or "Wow, the arrangement of that song gave me chills. That was an awesome moment of worship."

The problem is, I apparently take down mental notes in disappearing ink. The excitement from whatever awesome thing remains, but I can't quite articulate what it was I found so powerful. So today I traded mental notes for a napkin and a blue highlighter. Conceptualizing my thoughts to jot them down made them easier to retrieve from my memory later. I don't know if it'll become a norm for me or not, but its a step of being intentional in how I love, support, and encourage servants. Its something I'm called to do, but I haven't put much effort into cultivating.

So here's to late starts!
Thank God its never too late ;-)

Are there any practical steps you can take in pursuit of your callings?

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