Monday, June 2, 2008

Can You Get a What ?!?!

Entitlement. I'm sick of it!

Today I had a nice little chat with 15 boys who think they should have exactly what they want, exactly when they want it.

When they're asked to do something, they say no. Sometimes they say hell no, or some more vulgar variation of hell no. You can imagine, I'm sure.

This attitude sounds pretty stereotypical for a teenager, right? But I think it's more than just a teenager's hormone-driven way of thought.

It's a ridiculous sense of entitlement.

Generation Me.

They don't seem to understand.

"Yes, we're going to ask you to do things you don't want to do. Sorry guys! You're not in you're home! You're gonna have to conform to other people's demands until you get yourselves outta here! Period! Get over it! That's life!"

And it's so frustrating for me, because I see an issue that's so much deeper than resistance.

Entitlement. Expecting something they haven't earned.

Lack of compliance. Some people take pride in being free-thinkers. And great for them! If they can find that balance. Because everyone needs accountability and everyone owe's someone else respect. If they can't manage this, they'll be burning bridge after bridge until they've isolated themselves from anyone who would ever want to help them.

Narscasism. Feeling they need no one else. Feeling they don't need to change. Feeling they shouldn't inconvience themselves by demonstrating respect to others, or swaying to the directives of their providers. Biting the hand that feeds them. Sometimes literally ;o)

Generation Me.

So, yeah. I let them have it. I was angry to say the least. But you know what? Two kids seemed to get. Two. Which made it all worth while.

So that's my random rant of the day.

Grr. Arg.

Deep breath.

Ah! All better ;o)


bryan vickery said...

you know it's bothering you when it brings you to the point of "argh"

this entitlement thing bugs the crap out of me too

Cari said...

Oh my, this bugs the heck out of me. I have been seeing this attitude getting worse for awhile now and I have no clue how to fix it. I have been dealing with a girl in her early 20s who has a child and still doesn't get that life is not all about her! Argh...I feel your pain.