Tuesday, November 15, 2011

as myself / weeds

This last weekend, my awesome friend Nate Canady provided the message for the Branches' Sunday morning service. As far as I know, its the first time he'd ever really done something quite like that, and to no surprise, he did a great job. In fact, I can't remember a single incident where Nate failed to do anything but great at whatever it is he does. He's one of those people. And I so am not. He just knows a lot, and is talented in a lot of ways. I like to give him a hard time about it. And of course, at the very core of my humor is a tiny seed of envy. Okay, maybe its more of a sapling

So, I believe it was no coincidence that last week's particular message from Matthew 23 came from his very mouth. God is tricky like that. Nate talked about loving God; the great commandment. And he talked about loving others as yourself. As myself.

Nate hit on some key points that stuck with me on the subject of loving others as yourself. What do I want for myself? At what lengths will I go to get those things? Do I want these things for other people? Do I help other people obtain these things?

If I loved others as myself, if I loved my dear friend as I love myself, wouldn't I rejoice in his accomplishments? Wouldn't I be grateful for his skills and knowledge? Don't get me wrong here;  I'm happy for the guy, but would this twinge of envy be in my heart if I truly obeyed the commandment to love others as myself? Wouldn't I be stoked to be gifted like that myself?

God has revealed something new in my heart for me to work on. There's a whole lot of love in this heart of mine, but its a garden scattered with random weeds in it here and there. And even the tiniest imperfection has got to go.

So, there. Those are my thoughts.

Thanks for making me think, Nate. Stupid jerkface know-it-all!

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