Thursday, June 1, 2017


/dôn, dän/
  1. 1.
     The first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise.

    "the rose-pink light of dawn"

She did appear like a light. Just as her name might imply, Dawn shined.

I knew her first as an acquaintance, years later as a sister in Christ, and then as a friend. She was real and in-the-moment, either laughing or gasping in all the right places during a story.

In my earliest memory of Dawn, she was like a ray of light after a stormy night. I'm not even sure she knew my name at the time, but she showed me kindness in a dark place. I didn't expect that kindness, especially from a stranger.

Those moments in life are rare and beautiful. Like Dawn. As a wife, mother, daughter, friend, nurse, and much more, she will be so missed.

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