Sunday, August 31, 2008


Here is a song I wrote called Chosen. It’s still quite . . . unrefined, but I couldn’t wait to share it. I recently discovered a movie making program on my laptop and started playing around with it and thought it would be a fun way to share this message God has given me. The song is ‘a cappella and believe me when I say it’s rough, but it’s meaning, none-the-less, is so important to me. A couple weeks ago, I was reading the book of Ephesians and suddenly became overwhelmed by the realization that God has chosen me, chosen every living person to not only exist but to serve a purpose in Him. This is not new concept of course, and it’s something I’ve heard probably a thousand times. I especially enjoyed Shaun Groves’ words when he spoke that it’s not about what we’re saved from, but what we are saved for. Pastor Kris also preached on this not too long ago, and his message brought tears to my eyes. Don't get too excited though, PK, it usually doesn't take much ;o) Even though this is a message that held great meaning in my heart, the overall impact did not hit me until very recently. Or maybe it just hit me again . . . anyway, I had been feeling a great dissatisfaction in life and felt it was not quite what it should be. Although there are different factors that could and should probably change, it has occurred to me that the key to glorifying God isn’t solely in a career change or an alteration in home life. The change must occur within. To become what He intends me to be. To fulfill my purpose. Why I have been chosen. Off-notes and all, here it is. Enjoy!
One of the pictures in this video is from New Orleans. If any of you awesome NOLA '08 people recognize it I'll . . . give you a high-five!!!


Sue said...

Sometimes I think the word "awesome" tends to be overused, but I have to use it in this case!!!

Your song gives us MUCH to consider...

Thank you for, once again, sharing YOUR heart with us in a way that touches OUR hearts.

Unknown said...

Nate, God has given you a gift, thanks for sharing it.

That song has already changed the direction of my day:) thanks again!


Mommy pfohl said...

Nate- I think it is awesome how God speaks to you through song and you can share that with those aroud you! Thank you so much! I am very excited to hear where you are at right now. At that moment we can truly take hold that God has chosen us... LOOK OUT!!! :) I'm praying for you both on this journey! Very exciting! Hugs to both of you! -Mindy

Keym said...

Amazing as always. I am so lucky to have you.

Irun Man said...

Great song! I really enjoyed it, especially the tree frogs/crickets in the background. LOl j/k :P BTW, was the picture with the purple flowering plant the one from NOLA? I listened to/watched the video twice trying to figure it out. Take care!!!

Nathan said...

Nice try, Todd, but nope. The purple flowers are not from NOLA. Close though ;o)