Saturday, April 14, 2012

chapter twenty-nine

I turned twenty-nine today; the last year of life in my twenties. And I'm okay with that... I think.

Thirty is an interesting number. I can't quite define it's significance, but it obviously exists. It seems to be the first milestone in the developmental stage of ever-dreaded-aging in Western cultures. I get why, kinda, but I'm not sure I fully agree.

That might be a post for another day.

What birthdays mean to me, other than cake, is beginnings and endings. A birthday is like your very own New Year's celebration, marking a new year of life, another chapter marked by a measurable number as opposed to life experiences that are incredible but aren't quite so distinguishable as dates on a calendar.

So, here I am, given this chronological structure. It's an empty shell I've got to fill. A template. Twenty-nine; that's the title. Of course, there will be all sorts of sub-chapters. And what do I hope for them to include?

Love. Adventure. Friends. Family. Growth. Service. Creativity.
Life. Lots of Life.


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