Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mile a Minute & Getting Nowhere Fast

- in just a little more than 2hrs my alarm clock will be going off

- I can't wait to see my wife

- I've never flown alone before, hope I can find my gate and all that stuff

- it'd be nice to hear back from the school I interviewed at, whether I got the job or not, I'd kinda like to know

- lots to accomplish this week, hope it all goes well

- standing in our new apartment today I got a chill and thought, "we're gonna be so happy here!"

- there is a bird outside singing loudly and it doesn't exactly sound like a lullabye

- I hate typos

- still sticking to the diet really well, but I've slacked off on exercizing this week

- I have learned that I like NCIS

- thinking about 'big dreams' vs 'reality.' I can dream big, but at the end of the day, I'm chicken

- need job

- wondering where we'll put that darn freezer

- and how do you place a chaise lounge in a room shaped liked this!?

- excited to see my kitties soon

- need job

- need job

- not checking luggage at the airport

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