Saturday, December 17, 2011

Next few months

His mother works hard to support her family.
She's going to school to ensure a brighter future.
But he doesn't see any of that.
All he hears is, "Not now, honey. Mom has to study."
"Not today, dear. Mom is picking up some extra hours."
Not now. Not today. No. No. No.
And so here he is, just months before transitioning from this group home back into his mother's care, and he's completely derailing. He doesn't want to go back.
He doesn't want to return to a lonely life.
So, is this a success or a failure on our part?
He feels attended to with us; loved and heard. Important.
But he doesn't want to leave. That's a problem.
How have we prepared him for the world outside of residential treatment if he never wants to leave?
Alas, whether we've failed him or not, he's going nuts in hopes that if he acts out enough he won't have to leave.
This means a lot of yelling and being ignored over the next few months...
Prayers :-)

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