Monday, January 31, 2011

He just turned 11 . . .

. . . and the devil talks to him.
Tells him he's gonna kill him.
And put his mother's head on a pike.

Yesterday, the devil talked to him a lot.
Told him nasty things. Scary things.

He asked me to check behind the shower curtain before he could use the restroom, then under his bed and in his closet before he could go into his bedroom. He woke up at 10:30pm and couldn't fall back to sleep, afraid he would have horrible nightmares.

I turned his light on, then prayed out loud with him. I sat just outside his doorway and tried to make him feel safe until he finally fell back to sleep.

And as I did so, I wondered, where is the line drawn between normal childhood fears and this little boy's mental health issues? Could it be that something evil really is talking to him? Will the voices ever stop?

But most importantly, what can I do for him right now? What need does he have in all of this that I can help him meet?

What boogie man used to keep you up at night? What happened to make it go away?

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