Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Randomness of The Day

Today was a great day!!! A lot of good things happened at work: My office was rearranged, I got a new staff whom I worked directly with before my promotion (he is great and I can't wait for him to be in my program!), and several things needing attention were addressed.

At home, Kimberly made tacos (mmm!) and we spent the evening together watching Tin Man. Kimberly gets a text message each week from www.redbox.com which contains a code for a free redbox movie on Mondays. We rented Tin Man yesterday, watched 2/3 of it, and finished it today, and returned it with 10 minutes to spare before getting a late fee ;o) Tin Man, by the way, was awesome. You should check it out!

It was a really great time and Kimberly commented on how it felt like being "newly weds," which was an interesting comment. But I kinda felt the same way. We started dating just before our 16th birthdays, and moved in with one another when we where 20. With the exception of a few months between giving our lives to Christ until being married, we've always lived together.

After being married and moving back in with one another, Kimberly and I spent about a month and a half in newly wed bliss, before our lives went topsy turvy. As a natural consequence of not obeying God's order of things, and as a result of a seemingly endless string on poor circumstances, Kimberly and I have missed out on whatever it means to be "newly weds."

But God is good, and lately, we've really been able to focus on having the kind of relationship with one another we really want to have.

And it feels kinda like . . .

Newly weds.

1 comment:

Kris Sorensen said...

Both of you have had a some trying moments over the last year or two but I just wanted to let you both know that I'm so glad that I have been able to watch both of you grow spiritually.